Thursday, April 10, 2008

Raising the Living Room Floor...

And soon new hardwoods and carpet throughout the house!
Here are some pictures of the past few weeks. We have raised the living room floor to match the level of the rest of the house and we will soon begin laying the new hardwoods! What an adventure we are having!

Jackson and Daddy Hammering

Jackson thinks he is a big help to Daddy, but sometimes he takes up a lot of space. It is hard to resist his passion for all things construction related!
We got the joists in over one weekend!
Daddy and Jackson screwing down the plywood subfloor. It looks like they both know what they are doing!
And we finally have everything raised, except around the heating ducts at the end of the room. Those are coming later this week. Shaun has to go under the house!
We will continue to add more progress shots as they are available.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sanders!!!
    I miss you guys!
    I was trying to email shaun a couple weeks back and didn't have his contact info anymore :(
    But then I see you started a blog, Sweet!
    Shaun email me sometime!
